Command query responsibility segregation (CQRS)

CQRS is an architectural pattern that significantly enhances both performance and security by distinctly segregating read and write operations into separate models. EventBridge is exceptionally well-suited for implementing CQRS patterns, serving as a centralized hub for both publishing and consuming events.

On the write side, EventBridge allows you to define rules that target AWS resources such as Lambda functions or Step Functions state machines. These rules are triggered by command events originating from various sources, such as API requests or application events. The targeted AWS resources execute the necessary business logic to process these commands and update data stores such as DynamoDB.

On the read side, you can set up separate EventBridge rules that target query or reporting functions and services. These rules are triggered by events generated from data store updates rather than command events. The targets then query these data stores to generate read models or projections that are used for reporting purposes, without interfering with the write operations.

This clear-cut segregation not only facilitates optimized and independent scaling of read and write models but also substantially reduces the attack surface area. By isolating read and write operations, you eliminate the need for read permissions to have write access and vice versa, thereby minimizing the potential for permission misuse. This focused approach to access control further enhances the overall security posture of your event-driven architecture.

In conclusion, the security challenges that are inherent in event-driven architectures are mitigated through EventBridge’s features, providing a comprehensive toolkit from event sourcing to fine-grained access control.

Securing Lambda functions

Securing Lambda functions is a critical aspect of cloud-native applications running in serverless architectures. Lambda functions can be triggered by various services and external sources. This makes them a potential entry point for malicious activities. This section aims to provide a comprehensive guide to securing Lambda functions, focusing on best practices and AWS-specific features.

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